Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bayer, The Airhead Toaster Rides Again

Seems like we all get distracted......sometimes its for so long that it becomes a Rip Van Winkle sort of thing. Well.......there was a time when I only rode a motorcycle, I owned no car, and had no other means of personal transportation. My friend Noel and I would ride 300 miles plus on a Saturday just for the fun of it. One of our favorites was the "Loop" thats all the way around the Olympic Penninsula in a day. It usually included a stop at the Humptulips tavern on the the pacific coast. It has since burned down. Well somewhere back in the early 80's came marriage and children, and along with that a little bit of white knuckle motorcycling, it just didn't have the same allur anymore. A few years later the thought of doing a 19 hour trip from Los Angeles to Tacoma seemed a thing of the distant past, and the 120,000 miles I racked up on its back started feeling like a dream.

Thoughts of long distance motocycle adventrues were replaced by the new adventure of raising two wonderful girls. As a side note Beth, the creative, and nuttier than a fruitcake, mother/wife took it upon herself to create the photo above (Susie age 3 and Maria age 8). She did this by talking the Honda shop into letting her take the new motorcycle with her to the photo studio in exchange for a finished 8 X 10 glossy of the girls.

As the old Toaster languished family activities flourished. The R50/5 Airhead Toaster sat in the garage only to moved around to get it out of the way of whatever project was happening at the time. As the years passed it sat and aged and gathered mountains of dust and grim, for 24 years to be exact.

Unitl!! In the spring of 2006 while doing some cleaning up in the garage my family suggested that this chunk of aluminum and steel outght to either find a new home (some untorid locations were mentioned) or again take its place as a viable, at this point family, vehicle. After some very serious cleaning changing of tires, installing a new battery, and changing of all bodily fluids as well as numerous tired rubber parts, the Air Head Toaster rides again

Now the fact that the photo is taken in front of the outhouse at our beach place on Hoods Canal should not detract from this momentus event.

So now beware as you might encouter this 35 year old machine hurtelling down the highway at incredible G forces. Yes it now has a GPS on board to facilitate Geo Caching.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Grandpa's Birthday at Hoods Canal 2006

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Husky Women's Water Polo Geo Caching Course at Titlow Park, Tacoma

A good time was had by 12 members of the team when they participated in a four hour geo caching activity between water polo games at the Curtis pool.

The first phase of the course was made up of 5 caches throughout the park and contained money and cards for playing a round of poker at the end.

The second phase of the course consisted of 5 more caches and these contained: cards, money, keys and clues to a waypoint for a secret 11th cache. The 11th cache cantained the final key to unlock the box which contained all the prizes for each team.
Communicating via radios the four teams of three managed to piece together the clues, program the final waypoint, and find the final cache that contained the key to victory. None of the 12 players had every used a GPS before.

The day was one of the coldest of the winter to date, with frozen over ponds and little streams, but by time we finished most shoes were muddy. The views were incredible but the water was full of white caps from the cold north wind.


Oh yes before I forget I wanted to share our comander and chief's weekend checklist with you.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

OK On a More Serious Note Regarding Semiotics

Why would an Architect Care About Technology?
Over the last several days I attended the Northwest Council for Computer Education annual conference. One might ask why an Architect or Executive Director of Facilities, for a moderately sized school Distict, would want to attend such a conference. After all how does the built environment relate to the world of learning? Certainly the environment presents a physical backdrop (or venue) for learning to take place. As such the physical environment should be an enabeling space, and provide the user with a platform for maximum flexibility to solve, as yet unknown problems. It seems that this is the lowest common denominator ie. as architects we create a space which allows a myriad of functions to take place; spaces filled with: surfaces, light, sound, air, temperature, technology, etc., which in effect allow user to function physically in the effort to attain their goals.
There is however another result (intentional or not) of architecture. Space has meaning, just as a word, sentance, paragraph, or novel has meaning.
Meaning happens! Regardless of intention or understanding it happens.
Discursive Communication
If one writes a sentence one creates meaning. The meaning is governed by a common shared code between the sender and the receiver. The reading of the code is temporal ie. one word after the other as is language. One can guess, at, but can not know the next word, sentence, or paragraph that is forthcomming. The code itself exists in its own esoteric construct and it can be understood without context, at least with respect to "denotation" between the sender and the receiver as long as there exists a shared code.
Wer dei Sprache nicht kennt kann also die hinweisung nicht verstehen. Unless you speak German you won't understand.
Presentational Conmunication
Architecture (or space) is beyond its physical reality a form of presentational communication. What is key here is that architecture (presentational communication) is not temporal and derives meaning primarily in context, beyond the primodial understanding of structure (statics). Thus the term "regional" architecture which implies an understanding of the local or regional context in which it exists. Arguably this context is the architectural version of the discursive "code" through which the decoder derives meaning. The experience of space is not temporal rather random or wholistic. The temporal experience is not dictated by the construct (code) but rather is under the control or discreation of the individual. The senses involved transend those used in discursive communication to include: the kinesthetic experience, smell, sound, touch, sight (color), tactile etc.
I have spent a consideralbe part of my professional life as an architect to understand the differences between prensentational and discursive communication with respect to how either impart meaning. I would submit to you that architecture as a presentational medium of communicating meaning is an incredibly powerful medium, which in fact, has a far greater immediate impact on the individual than other forms of communication such as the discursive.
So Why Techonology in Education
It seems to me, as a consumer, that education has been anchored in discursive "sit and get" communication. By introducing techonology into the classroom one introduces presentational communication, which if done properly engages all the human senses; as well as all the human learning styles just as architecture does (de facto). This should serve to engage more students in broader and more understandable communication forms. The key here is "more" and "engagement". The traditional assumption that discursive communication is the primary collective medium for communication is falatious. Reaching out to all students using all modalities of communication based all learning styles is paramount if truely "No Child Will Be Left Behind".
Technology in eduction opens up all our human senses and allows all of us to learn in the way most effective for each of us. This should maximise the potential of all of our students.
The Price of Technology (Presentational Communication)
If one accepts the premis that presentational communication is, at its core contextual, and not a prescriptive, essoteric, construct, as is discursive communication, then the logical result is that it is encumbent upon all teachers (or architects) to understand the context in which this commuication is taking place, for proper encoding (design) to take place. Such an understanding of "context" is much more difficult than learning "language". It requires letting go one's own context an making serious effort to understand that of the reciever of the message. This is in a certain sense a socialist approach to meaning ie. the general populace determines the meaning not the "ivory tower".
I would submit that the battle for control of meaning is being fought in places like "WkiPedia" but that discussion is for another time. Chew on this for a while and let me know what you think.
Some further reading on the subject of semiotics:
Naom Chomsky
Susanne Langer
Juan Pablo Bonta
Just "Google" the bunch.
Ok so I can't leave you without just a small amount of political commentary.
Create a common enemy, conduct secret wire taps, take people to secret prisons, conduct secret trials, apply secret penalties, everyone feels safe.... so what's the price?
What if its you??
What is the price of our collective freedom?

Northwest Council for Computer Education

Had a great week here in Portland at the NCCE annual conference. To the left you see a arial photo of the Portland Convention Center and the surrounding neighborhood. The red dots indicate the location of Geocaches (treasures). These caches were set by local geo cachers in Portland. Under the leadership of my friend GEM's (Glenn Malone), these wonderful folks set, mantained, and managed this course for the enjoyment of confernce goers. During breaks in the conference attendees could find these caches, using donated GPS units, in order to enter a drawing for a brand new GPS. I had great time meeting and working with these folks.

Here is Nick contemplating which next session to attend.

Some of the local cachers helping out.

Tuesday night we went out for dinner in the area around Lloyd Center, one of the older shopping areas in Portland, on our way back to the hotel we stopped to watch "curling" in the mall. The sport is just as nebulus as "cricket" to me....I don't really get it.

Wow looks like the commander & chief was here too!!!!