Saturday, October 06, 2018


Off to New York City, my tour guide Wendy is so excited.  She lived here for ten years and can't wait to show me around.  We are traveling 250 miles by bus.  The ride was fast, with not much traffic so we landed right on time and had time to read and snooze a little.

Map of Oct 5

We had no problem finding our Air B&B apartment which turned out to be just great.  Good location and nice place and a good value to boot ($150 per night).  We will be here for four nights.

After we settled into the apartment we walked around, went out to dinner and then saw a very well don production of "Uncle Vanya"  at Hunter College.  


Friday, October 05, 2018


October 4 Washington DC

Today we went back to the mall to look at some of the monuments.  We visited honest Abe and questioned how comfortable he would have felt seeing himself enshrined, maybe not so much.  Nevertheless the monument is a very powerful one as it serves as one of the anchors of the mall. 

We didn't linger too long given it was very crowded showing it's popularity.  Wendy had not seen the MLK monument so we went there as well, needless to say she was mightily impresses by its power and creative beauty.  The wisdom imparted by the quotes of Dr. King that were emblazoned into the stone wall were truly inspiring and served to give us some hope in these troubled times.

Pictures From Wendy

Subsequently we visited the FDR memorial.  I'd seen it twice before however had new and more meaningful experience of it having just visited FDR's home and presidential library.  The monument takes you through all of his four terms as president highlighting the challenges of that time.  What comes across so well is that in spite of the wealth he was born into, he understood the suffering of the common man and enacted programs to ease it.  He also had a very global view and understood that our country needed to be a global leader rather than a bastion of isolation.  It instilled some considerable sadness in both of us to have to witness the systematic dismantling of these programs by the current administration.

Finally we visited the Korean War and the Vietnam Memorials.  The former brought back memories of my dad and his stories of his two tours in Korea as well as Vietnam.  The Korean War memorial really shows, in a very human way, the abject miseries our soldiers had to endure, while the Vietnam memorial is perhaps one the most powerful architectural statements on the mall while making it with a pure simplicity that honors the soldiers that died there.

All together we had an emotionally gratifying morning.  We also discovered the "Circulator" bus  which only costs a buck a ride and takes you all around the mall.  Yesterday our feet hurt pretty bad at the end of the day after walking miles.  Today was much better.  

After the monuments we hoofed it up to the National Portrait Gallery where we saw the Kehini Wilde portrait of president Obama.  I made us yearn for those "Good Old Days".  We also saw Michelle Obama's portrait which reflected her stunning beauty.  An oddity was a portrait of president Nixon done by Norman Rockwell.  Both of us thought that the pairing of artist and subject was rather incongruous, but hey, what do we know. 

We hurried back to Al and Robins house so we could possibly pick up our motorcycles which were in for servicing, but alas they were not finished.  

Tomorrow we catch a bus to New York City.  Wendy is soooo excited to be able to show me around the city she lived in for ten years and I'm excited about having such a good tour guide.

Wednesday, October 03, 2018


The Capital:

Oh, DC, you are amazing. Most of the day (5 splendid hours) was spent inside the new African American Museum and it was not nearly enough time to finish seeing it properly. The building is amazing. The organization of the exhibits was fantastic, and I could have spent two days there at least. If you get the chance, you must put it on your list. Tomorrow’s plan is to take in a few monuments, participate in a little civil disobedience and pick up some motorcycles.


Plan B:

This morning we took off for a ride that would take us a bit farther west and set us up to reach Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterwork: Falling Water. After a quick breakfast, we finally found a car wash to scrub 6,500 miles of road grim off our mighty steeds. Sadly, once the grime was removed we found a leak in one of the seals on Rudy’s bike so no Falling Water for us today, off to the bike shop for repairs. As luck would have it, the bike shop was near Al’s house in Virginia, so we settled in for a stay in the DC area a little earlier then we had planned.  We will circle back to Falling Water after DC and New York City. 

Oct. 2 Day Map 100 Miles


Gettysburg: Day 2

Map of the Day 151 Miles

Our first stop: The Harley Davidson Manufacturing Facility in York, PA. This is a HUGE facility and we stopped to take a tour to see how all those Harleys become Harleys. It’s really a very impressive operation Lots of robots doing amazing things and little Harleys popping out right and left. We weren’t allowed to take any pictures in the plant, so you get one bad picture of me in the parking lot. It will have to do.

Getting Ready to Take a Harley Davidson Plant Tour

After a quick lunch in a caboose, we were off to the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum. This little gem was a real surprise. A wonderful museum for starters, but I fell absolutely, madly in love with these beautiful beasts. They are truly awe inspiring. I took way too many pictures. Sorry. Humor me.

Big Blue Brut
Dream in Deco
Can a train be sexy? Y E S!

Sunday, September 30, 2018


Today we spent the day riding through the farm country and hills around Gettysburg. This part of the world has been experiencing record breaking rain for months, but today was perfect. Glorious sun and perfect fall temperatures. All of the rivers and streams look like one more drop and over the banks they go. It's really something.

The scenery was stunning, and the roads were a dream to ride. We didn't stop much, just kept riding so I haven;t any pictures to share with you this evening. Rudy took some video, which he will post as soon as we have an internet connection that's up to the task.

Tomorrow we will ride out to Lancaster county and explore a bit there. We are also planning to tour the Harley Davidson Factory in York. Looking forward to that. I love a good factory tour. It will also be amusing to park two big old BMWs right out front. Tee Hee.

Map of the Day 192 Miles