Saturday, January 13, 2018


It is our third day in Costa Rica and today we received our motorcycles.  We were supposed to receive two 250 CC bikes but we didn't.  What we got was one 250 CC and one 200 CC Honda.  We were promised to get the other 250 on Wednesday night so we'll just hang out in San Jose one more night no big deal.  I installed the GPS mount and wired it in.

Please sinor don't worry I'm going to tear that stuff apart to wire in my GPS anyway.

They delivered the bikes on a small pickp and had a narrow plank to get it down.  I help Carlos AKA Charlie unload the two bikes.  We soon figured out that a plank on a pickup truck wasnt to tough a glide path as we were soon to find out.  So we headed out of town about 2:00 PM

After about an hour of traffic that rivled the Puget Sound Region o n steroids we arrived at Cartago which is on the edge of town.....sort of.  It was about 14:00 so we were hungry (ravinous) and went looking for a restaurant.  We didn't find but a small caffee at which we stopped, if for no other reason then to get a break from the traffic.  The drivers here are truely almost as bad as I am.  Thank God that they don't move too fast (about 40 MPH or so) because they split lanes and weave in an out like an accident waiting to happen.  We saw one accident between a semi an small passenger car wheich showed just how crazy it gets around here.

We didn't find a restaurant that was open so we stopped at this coffee shop with a very helpful and kind owner who was more than happy to educate us about coffee in Costa Rica.  We had him pick out what to serve us since we had no idea and the guy seemed trustworthy enough.  He was very enthusiastic about it all for sure..   When we did get our coffee it was quite amazing.  I usually use sugar and cream in my coffee.but with this stuff neither was a good choice since it stood on it's own.

Some of the best coffee I ever had for sure!

Check this guy out.

Well we did a little route planning based on the input of one of the hotel employees who rides a Honda 500 last night.

  He did not steer us wrong.  When we busted out of town we started to experience the true landscape of  Cost Rica which is lush, green, wet, and comes with lots of landslides.  I started to feel more like we were on the open roads that we so much enjoy, curves good, sharp curves better, land slides and dogs not so good

Below is the route we took this afternoon, it's about 55 miles. 

At this point I need to give Wendy a bunch of credit.  She has been riding about 5 years on a cruiser bike and has never really been off road.  Today was the beginning of her motocross experience and she showed her guts and determination as we road over over a couple of very gnarly landslides which  crossed the road .  These things were about six foot tall mud speed bumps and she weathered them in great fashion.  She's a pretty amazing girl. 

Before we left I read on the internet that the most important thing was not to drive in the dark in Costa Rica.  Well on this our first ride we got caught in the dark and the rain. We didn't get back to the hotel in San Juan until 19:30 at night.

We did stop at a grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner and food for tomorrow.  A good hot shower back at the hotel made every thing good.

Pura Vida (more on that later).

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