Monday, January 15, 2018


Off we went again undaunted by wind or rain on our way to the Poás vocano. via a town called San Pablo.  The town was very sweet, we should have stayed there but no we continued on our way to the volcano.  As we climbed the rains began driven by huge gusts of wind.  Naturally we again disappeard in the clouds only to get soaked to the skin, boots filled with water, and freezing cold.  I've provided the link to the volcano above so you can see it, we never did, nor did we take a single picture on this now the third miserable weather day in Costa Rica.  Tomorrow we give up trying to see the countryside and will go to the museums downtown.  We had reservations for the Arenal area but will cancel and head to the west coast instead because it's too damned wet and cold in the inland area right now.  We'll swing back later.  Here is a picture of the volcanoe and a beach somebody else took.

Until tomorrow friends.

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