Thursday, February 15, 2018

2018 COSTA RICA DAY 10 Left Mocezuma for Samara 01-20

Back roads to Samara along the beach via Malpais again. We crossed three rivers. We had a nice breakfast at Moctezuma and saddled up our bikes. We were off by about 9:00 and we had a 90 kilometer day before us. The route I planned was all unpaved roads which has become the norm. There were however a few surprises in store for us on the coastal route north to Samara.

Wendy ended up falling just as the had made this crossing, ouch, but like a trooper posed for the photo. Crossing rivers is not something we have ever done and is certainly a new skill we will be working on.

Above is our route for the day.

So Wendy didn't say much about her falls the past two days but the bruises were getting pretty bad so she couldn't hide it any longer.  Naturally I then tortured her by making her apply ice the whole evening.  We think it did help even though some of it was a day late.

 The reward for the day was sitting on the wonderful beach at Samara, a place we would come to really enjoy (maybe the best place on the trip.).

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